
This online portfolio is to take the place of the more traditional physical version. On these pages will be displayed the collective best-in-show works created by Maryanna Gresley. Items at the top of the individual lists are the newest material produced–while the older documents are nearer the bottom as a point of reference while browsing.

Maryanna Gresley
Gresley, Maryanna (2018)

Maryanna comes from Pennsylvania, roughly 30-40 minutes northeast of Philadelphia- on a good day. She attended William Tennent High School, graduating in the spring of 2015, and went on to Elizabethtown College (E-town) in the fall of 2015. She graduated from Elizabethtown College in May 2019 with a B.A. in communication.

While at E-town she pursued a communications degree, with a concentration in mass communications. With this degree, she hopes to better understand the world around her and do better in her field. Also while at E-town, Maryanna pursued a graphic design minor–this is to better equip her with skills she can use in the workplace.

She hopes to find a job in the field of communications after graduating. Keeping an open mind, Maryanna is interested in all aspects of this field, from operating the camera to writing the copy for the next paper or post. She is always willing to try something new, as that’s the only real way to find out if that new thing is for you or not.

The Road so Far

Maryanna has held a variety of positions since she was first able to work in high school. Her journey started as a green-screen operator for Hour Entertainment. These responsibilities included taking photographs of event guests in front of a green screen and editing the image to have the desired background. This experience exposed her to customer service, rapid problem solving, and time management skills.

When the need to accrue more income became more apparent, Maryanna applied and was later hired, for Weis Markets. This position would be in the bakery department. Her responsibilities included–but were not limited to–the layout of products, packaging products, assisting customers with ordering cakes and finding products, decorating cakes and donuts, and keeping her workspace clean. Working in the bakery helped Maryanna gain experience in time management, customer service, and organizational skills.

At the same time as her employment with Weis Markets began, so did Maryanna’s recruitment with Jo Ann Fabrics. This position included tending to customers, organizing and restocking products, and operating the cash register. While employed at the craft and fabric store Maryanna gained further experience in customer service, problem-solving, and time management.

Maryanna’s attendance at Elizabethtown College brought more working opportunities. She became employed with the Dining Services department on campus, starting her first semester. Working for Dining Services brought responsibilities such as operating a cash register, assisting customers, prepping food, making food, and restocking products. In Maryanna’s last fall semester, she applied for the team leader position and was accepted. Being a team leader gave her more responsibilities, such as directing student employees on what tasks needed completing, counting the cash registers, and closing the Jay’s Nest–the Wawa or Sheetz equivalent on-campus. As a team leader, Maryanna learned more about the responsibilities of being a leader, as well as honing her time management and team-building skills.

In her sophomore year, Maryanna gained employment with the Office of Marketing and Communication as a student assistant. With this new position, she had the opportunity to hone her journalistic skills; for articles published online, Maryanna would conduct interviews with students, faculty, and staff at Elizabethtown College. She would also write the articles before handing them in to be edited by her boss. Longer works were published to E-town Now, and shorter jobs were added to department pages on the College website. This employment would become Maryanna’s most valuable experience while at E-town. It provided the opportunity to put into practice the methods she had learned in her classes.

Another employment opportunity arose in Maryanna’s junior year of college. As a Communications Specialist at the Ann’s Choice retirement community by Erickson Living. This position asked her to assist residents with paperwork–making copies and filing away forms–direct residents and their guests through the large gated community, customer service where applicable, answer phone calls and be a positive presence at the front desks where she would work.

Another position, General Services Coordinator, would be added to Maryanna’s repertoire. This role included answering phone calls and emails, data entry, organizing maintenance staff to fulfill work orders both in the community and in individual apartments, and customer service to those wishing to change their parking or storage assignments or those wanting to schedule a guest suite. Employment at Ann’s Choice exposed Maryanna to the potential of large working environments, the problems they pose, and the solutions available.

After four years with Ann’s Choice Maryanna has had many experiences to learn and greatly improve her skill set, and is looking for what new opportunities the world will present next.
