Design Gallery

While attending Elizabethtown, Maryanna had a wealth of opportunities to expand her knowledge on the different medium that are used in today’s growing world. She used programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, and Adobe InDesign. With the experiences from class, she feels that she has the skills to pay the bills. White space is no longer her enemy and she’s learned to rule in thirds to better suit a project’s needs.

She will keep all of this knowledge in the back of my mind, for you never know when this will all come in handy. Not only could this know-how be needed later, but these programs are remarkably fun to work with and easy to learn.

Maryanna loves getting the opportunity to create something new and interesting to look at with every assignment. She takes great pride in what she does, and always seek the advice of those around her so she can further improve her work. A detail-oriented eye and a desire to be the best that she can be drives Maryanna to create the vision the assigned task stimulate.


ART406: Advanced Digital Arts
  • Illustrated Quote
    • The assignment took a quote from the Wizard of Oz or Alice in Wonderland and then to illustrate it. This could be done in a variety of ways so long as the quote is included and the images relate to the quote. Only Adobe Photoshop was used for this assignment.

  • Media Campaign
    • After creating a beverage label, students would create a media campaign for their created work. This media campaign included a brochure and a magazine ad. All pieces had to relate to one another, such as if the pieces were separated they could be easily paired up once again. This assignment was completed using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign.

  • Urban Collage
    • The assignment tasked students with taking pictures of an urban area to which they had been–such as Philadelphia or Baltimore–and create a collage using the images. This was done using only the Adobe Photoshop program.

ART209: Typography and Text Design
  • Type Designer
    • Students were assigned to research a designer of type–such as William Caslon or John Baskerville–and create a spread to display the typeface as well as provide background information about the font and the designer. This task was completed using Adobe InDesign.

  • Word Illustration
    • For this assignment, students were tasked with selecting an image of their pet, an amphibian or a fish and recreate the creature using the font brushes in Adobe Photoshop.

**All images used were used strictly for educational/demonstration purposes.
